Someone who loves cartoon must know this movie. Astro Boy is the Japanese film series produced by Imagi Animation Studios and now is presented in a cinema with the computer-animated 3-D movies.
This movie’s plot is similar to the Japanese version of Astro Boy. Astro is a robot which is a duplication of a boy named Toby that was created by Dr. Tenma. Toby died and Dr. Tenma who can not lose his child tries to make a robot version of Toby. All the memories based on Toby's hair that stuck in his hat. But in fact the robot is not really like Toby.
Toby sad and then leave. An event made up of the earth and kidnapped by the Revolutionary Robot Front (RRF). By the group that Toby later named Astro.
Then began the adventure Astro, ranging from trial to extermination Astro but was foiled by a doctor Tenma and finally Astro exploded with the Peacekeeper to save Metro. But then be brought back to Astro.
The movie was released first in Japan on October 10, 2009, and in the U.S. on October 23, 2009. A trailer of the movie was shown in the North American Home of the PlayStation Home Theater from December 28, 2008 to January 8, 2009.
And now, this film is coming soon to Indonesian cinema
(source :wikipedia)
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gadget lainnya terasa susah ya, Mom? Apalagi jika di lingkungannya,
kebanyakan teman-...
6 months ago
well its based from animation character....!?!?! why they use CG to make the movie.......real people should be good!!!!
wow.. dulu biasa nonton dimana yah film ginian :D
weww... bli jhoni kalo yang ginian dah kek ketemu kucing dalam jerami aja tuh...
bli nara... "dulu" itu taun kapan??? kesannya koq jadul amat? hehehe...
nchi.. koq aku yang balesin komen komen mereka ya???
bli jhoni, jika pake ornag juga palingan kebanyakan pake special efect kan, jadi nanggung setengah2, mahal bayar peran jadi bikinan komputer aja kan
@bli blablablablaa... yang jelas ga dilayer tancep hehee
@ bli joe *ga cocok* asal ga digeser aja aku jadi admin disini
di sini lagi review film ato lagi jualan sih???
koq banyak banget yang 'bli'...
repiew pilem nih ya?
astroo boi...
tapi kayanya lebih seru RUsty And THe Big Guy
ikutan nulis bahasa inggris
"I Go To School"
chi dududzzzzz kok pake bosolinggis seeehhh
haalaahhh hadrah kadabrahhh
wuuzzzz berubah menjadi bahasa Indonesia...
tentu saja berkat bantuan gugel translet
kapan filmnya diputer di indo ?
wuihhh logonya kueren rek... :)
sayang saiia gag gtu perhatian sama yg berbau japonais :(
AstroBoy nya jauh lebih cakep ya? lebih halus gitu. hehehehe...
wah pasti keponakan2ku suka nih
udh ntn pelem ini sabtu kmrn...
jadi ini paidreview ya? mau dong ikutan heheheh
I liked this movie very much..This movie is very interesting ..i downloaded this movie from the can also watch astro boy from the internet....
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