Friday, February 6, 2009

Were We A Good Person?

My friend has told me, there was not a good person who told if their self were a good one, and also opposite of it. Is it mean that, peoples who were talking about their self in media, didn't told about the truth? Like the artist or politicians?

We did't know about that.

But i thought, every body has had a dark side in their self. Like a shadow on our back. Because, There was alwasy a pair in our life, man and women, like and dislike, black and white. The different, maybe, was located on how much we could control the dark side. But, we shouldn't be worry, because the God allwasy gave us the second chance to change. Hihii, it's sound so hiperbolis, but, i'm sure, there was the truth.

But remember, not only on people. Just looked at a basket of egg. The chicken had layed much of eggs, but not all would be cracked, and not all of the egg would be a chicken.


@dewikhami said...

aku ga tau apa aku orang baik atau ga :D

tapi yang aku tahu,

kamu adalah teman baikku, kakak ^^

*parah ya, di post english ngomennya pake bahasa Indo.. :))

maafkanlah kestupidan-ku ngomong English :))

syahlafif said...

when I cant speak english... I just speak... why coz if I get any false, its okey... Its not my motherlanguage.

okey.. I aggree with last sentenses, but I dont agree with change anything. man with all of this side (black and white)have some different taste. I mean, just move with natualy and become glass of diamond...


Anonymous said...

Rigth! ada sisi hitam dan putih dalam diri setiap orang, tinggal bagaimana kita mengelolanya. apakah lebih byk sisi hitamnya atau sisi putihnya.

Anonymous said...

kalo dipikir2 bener juga.. orang baik ga akan "mendeklarasikan diri" sebagai orang baik..

sama aja kalo ada orang cantik yang nyebut dirinya cantik. meskipun kenyataannya cantik juga tetep males dengernya, ya tho??

*mampirrr.. :)*

Anonymous said...

we are what we think about ourselves. all of us can be good person if we want.
I agree with your opinion : all people have white side n black side, nobody's perfect boo... but we can be better.

Anonymous said...

hueuhe..iyah nih...kadang kita merasa baik..belum tentu baik..tapi kalo udah merasa baik dah lumayan daripada gak pernah merasa baik berarti emang gak baik...salam kenal yah

mybuyax said...
